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Unfortunately, this event page is not available in English. The registration module on the right works, so you can register in english on this page.
For any further information & details about this event, please go to to the Dutch or French event website by using our language selector on the top right corner of the page.
Become now a Trailrun member (%s / year) and benefit from all te advantages, register easier and much cheaper ! only %s spots left
The Trail du Barrage is one of the most beautiful trails in Belgium.
We will not use your E-mail address for anything else then this 1 time notification.
A premium seller is someone of whom we as MyDayOut guarantee the quality of the routes, gpx files and road books. The seller performs regular updates to the GPX files and/or the roadbooks and sends an e-mail to all buyers with the notification of these updates. These updates can then be downloaded free of charge.
All gpx files on offer are tracks that have been recorded, are extremely accurate and the use of waypoints is compulsory.
With these GPX tracks you will never be faced with any surprises. The routes are often the result of days of exploring and adjusting and are really top quality !
Sorry you are too late, registration for the Trail du Barrage is no longer possible.
Helping Sportevents - please change the language to dutch or French for more information. Top right corner of the page.
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You can create a group here. please add a persona group code with which your Team members can register afterwards
Register me in a group
Enter the group code that you received from your team captain here so that you can register for this event
TEMPORARY OFFER - Activate FLEXI for this registration, making it highly flexible, and the FLEXI will be automatically activated free of charge for one year on all your future registrations on Passion For Sports (choice from more than 70 events) - Offer valid only for Account Holders
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The Kluisberg Trail will be held for the 3th time in Kluisbergen. Don't miss it and have a good time in the "Vlaamse Ardennen"!..
A trail run over the beach and through the dunes in Koksijde. Distances of 13/22/31/40km...
Challenging trail run in La Roche-en-Ardenne on Saturday 22 March 2025. ..