Below you can find an overview of the group registrations for which you are team captain.
- Via the pencil icon you can change the details of your group.
- Via the eye icon you can see who is in the group and also change the options (e.g. distance) per participant.
- Via the invitation icon you can get the link through which participants can register themselves. Send this link and the group code to the participants.
- Via the plus icon you can add participants to the group yourself.
- The minus icon allows you to remove participants from the group. These participants are then no longer registered for the event.
- Via the pay now icon you can pay for the group registration (online payment or payment by bank transfer). This has to be done before the registrations for the event closes. After payment you can no longer make any changes.
- Via the mail icon you can send a message to all participants in the group. This is a no-reply message.
- Via the cross icon you can cancel the group registration. All registrations in the group are then cancelled.
- After payment, an icon will appear with which you can download the invoice.

Group Registration History

Group Name Event Name Number Of participants Total Date Event Status Payment Active Status Action
SDLC 0 0.00 Euro 30-11--0001 Unpaid Inactive Pay Group
Lokaal Bestuur Maldegem 2024 Dwars door Maldegem 0 0.00 Euro 26-05-2024 Unpaid Inactive Pay Group