Beat the economic crisis with the Running year subscription
In late 2020, Sportevents introduced a (trail) running membership, which more than 600 running enthusiasts subscribed to. This project had some minor issues and was also abruptly disrupted by a resurgence of the corona virus.
Now, 2 years later, the running membership is back and this is no coincidence.
Given the current economic crisis, in which everything is becoming more and more expensive, we want to give the opportunity to participate in Sportevents' (running) events for an entire year at a fixed annual rate.
Beat the price increases with the running membership and participate in more than 30 Sportevents races (running) during one year.
Saving money is currently on the agenda in many families, but we believe this should not come at the expense of health and physical fitness.
Setting certain goals, such as regular participation in events, is an extra, necessary motivation for many people to keep exercising and moving frequently and on a regular basis.
By introducing a membership formula, we want to encourage this extra motivation by making regular participation more affordable to all.

The SE running membership (€149,00) allows you to participate in ALL distances of ALL running events by organiser Sportevents for a year.
Because the first time we had the membership, a lot of people registered for all races (for free) and didn't show, we'll charge a small registration fee of €5,00 per registration to avoid theses no shows.
If you rather run shorter distances, then you should choose our SE running membership LIGHT (€99,00).
This allows you to participate in ALL distances up to 20km for a year. If you want to run a longer distance once, you simply pay the difference in price in addition to the registration fee of €5,00.
In summary, the benefits as a member are:
5 euro fixed price for ALL running events organised by Sportevents.
FREE Exclusive Coolmax Running shirt BODYCROSS (100 grams) for the first 500 members (retail price €59,00).
€10,00 euro DISCOUNT on all non-running events organized by Sportevents.
20% DISCOUNT on options such as ecocup, medals and T-shirts.
Register 2 friends who have never participated in a SE running event with a €10,00 discount.
We will open registration on October 24th, 2022. Get your membership here
The first 500 subscribers will receive a beautiful technical running shirt (100 grams) from Bodycross (retail price €59,00).
If you are already registered for an event taking place after October 25, your spent amount will be automatically deducted when you purchase your membership.
Take a look at all our running events below, so you can already add some favorites in your (running) calendar, or check out the full offer here.

As you can see, you can get started anywhere in Belgium + one time in The Netherlands and 2 times in the French Vosges.